Home » League Result » Men’s League 1st Half Results June 25th 2024

Men’s League 1st Half Results June 25th 2024

Division 1

The WilkinSnaphooks778 points
Casey’s Bar 71 7
Red River Agency685
HowCo Trailers 685
MinnDak Slicers 685
3 Foot Gimmie653
Interstate Engineering622
Miami Golfins531

Wildcard Points Standings through 1st Half

Minn Dak Slicers 13
Miami Golfins3
Interstate Engineering4
Casey’s Bar  14
The Wilkin Snaphooks 15 *1st Half Winner
3 Foot Gimmie8
Red River Agency9
How Co Trailers7


Division 2

Ruff Riders70 8 points
Worm Burners 666
Jacklitch & Assoc. 655
Irwin Ins.624
Open a Winner 613
Slicing Snowmen552
Tappa Keg541

Wildcard Points Standings through 1st Half

Irwin ins.12        *1st Half winner
Tappa Keg4
SmithStregeLitigators 13
Open A Winner 5
Worm Burners12
Slicing Snowmen 3
Ruff Riders  14
Jacklitch & Assoc. 9


Division 3

Ag Country678 points
T&G Sanitaion637
Am Fam Ins.625.5
Farmers Agency 614
Corner Drug  603
Shits & Giggles582
Carlson Family Ins.751

Wildcard Points Standings through 1st Half

Shit’s & Giggles10        *1st Half Winner
Carlson Family ins.   3.5
T&G Sanitation 13.5
Corner Drug   9.5
Ag Country12
SkolShocks   6.5
Am Fam Ins.  10.5
Farmers Agency 6.5


Division 4

State Farm Ins.  75  
Foxhole Bar & Grill66  6  
Busscchhhhh  64
As good as it gets 614
Gentles Strokes 553.5
Bunker Buddies 55  3.5
Mutilated Lips  452

Wildcard Points Standings through 1st Half

Bamf’s 11.5
As good as it gets 10.5
Mutilated Lips 3.5
Gentle Strokes 11
Foxhole Bar & Grill10.5
State Farm ins. 16.5     *1st Half Winners
Playoffs???? 2.5
Bunker Buddies5.5

Division 5

UP in smoke 70 8
Ace in Hole 687
Reiland Bros 665.5
Morning 3 wood665.5
Wahpeton Fab 644
Smith Motors 2 623
Id Tap That602
Fearsome Sixsome581
Smith Motors 571

Wildcard Points Standings through 1st Half

Smith Motors 9
Up IN smoke 15
Ace in The hole  17        *1st Half Winner
Fearsome Sixsome 5
Smith Motors 2 7
Reiland Bros 11.5
Morning 3 wood 13.5
Wahpeton Fab 6
I’d Tap That6

*Wildcard Points are accumulated by overall record, wildcard week(8th week) and during your bye week(the week you play team 8).  Whichever team had the best record and most points during week 8 was awarded 8 points and so on down.

*Teams that were tied with the same record after 7 weeks were broken by week 8 point totals


Steve Diederick   3 on # 6      $19.00 each

Ethan Neitzke      2 on # 8     

Justin Riveland    2 on # 4     

Brady Anderson  3 on # 2

Lance Darwin      2 on # 7

Sr Skins

Gene Thimjon     4 on # 3      $18.00 each

Tom Schoenrock 4 on # 9

Deuce Pot

Ethan Neitzke      2 on # 8      $35.00 each

Lance Darwin      2 on # 7

Justin Riveland    2 on # 4

Pick Your Partner

1st Place      Justin Riveland picked Soctt Wamre         67      $45.00

2nd Place   Brian Watson picked Tyler Baukol           70      $20.00

                   Tony Casper picked Dave Weinbar           70      $20.00

Blind Bogey

Brian Watson       36      $24.00 each

Scott Wamre

Daric Pfingsten

Dave Weinbar

50/50 Cash Raffle

Art Grochow                 $62.00

Closest to the Pin # 8

Parker Sirek                            $20.00

Longest Putt # 9

John Maddock                        $20.00

Most Points

Justin Riveland    $20.00        22 Points